Well Kept Secret is a music company

that provides free advice.

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I believe gatekeeping is immoral.
I am not taking a consultant fee from you or anyone else.
Everything on this page is free.

Here’s some advice from myself and people I trust.  
This list is regularly updated.  
If you want to add something, tweet me.

  1. If you are on a three+ band bill, let the touring band play in the middle.
  2. Buy the ticket. Don’t ask for the guest list unless the show is sold out.
  3. If you are put on the guest list, buy the record.
  4. Share your gear. Don’t be the guy who wants to use his own drums on a three band bill.
  5. If it seems unbelievable, it is.
  6. You really don’t need more than three bands on a bill.
  7. The last band should always backline the show.
  8. Show up on time. Nobody wants to wait on you.
  9. Price all of your records the same.
  10. Take a shower. Take another one.
  11. When someone impresses you, tell them and support them.
  12. Go to the show. Always go to the show.
  13. Be kind. You won’t always be, so apologize when you aren’t.
  14. Set up a Google Drive with your admat, some songs, photos, videos and a bio.  Save the URL to your notes app.
  15. Talk about money before you do the thing.
  16. Stay true to what excites you. It doesn’t matter if what inspires you is popular or trending. 
  17. Be open to constructive criticism, you aren’t nearly as good as you think you are.
  18. While you might be able to do it alone, that doesn’t mean you should. 
  19. Fucking practice!
  20. Never stop being a student.
  21. Your relationship with your instrument is far more important than its overall quality or brand. 
  22. Experiment with different tunings, techniques and voicings, you never know what door is going to open. 
  23. Don’t ever let a lack of “success” kill your creative flame. 
  24. Travel and stay open to unique experiences, and allow them to color your creative process. 
  25. Get a library card.
  26. Be kind. Be cool. If doing this for the sake of others’ humanity and intrinsic value (and your own) isn’t enough, be pragmatic: it’s a small world that gets smaller the longer you stick with it.
  27. Don’t be a jerk, and unless your last name is Gallagher, don’t be arrogant.
  28. There’s always someone better. And usually, they’re the ones being quiet.
  29. Be open. Strict expectations and perceptions of yourself are limitations.
  30. The road is winding. Especially in the early days, get as many reps as possible. 
  31. Don’t make charts at rehearsal.
  32. Trust your gut, your nose.
  33. Ride with people you vibe with.
  34. Believe people when they show you who they are.
  35. Recognize any moments of privilege you might enjoy, and send the ladder back down at all opportunities.... 
  36. ...but don’t be a dick about it.
  37. Be curious. Music is basically infinite, you’ll never hear it all. 
  38. There’s nothing more exhausting to be around than a jaded musician.
  39. Change is the constant of life. Don’t fight it. In your creative output, relationships, goals, etc.
  40. Do something physical. For your mental health and longevity.
  41. Creative work is abstract. Success is abstract.
  42. Counteract what being a pretzel in a 15 passenger van can do to your body. 
  43. Don’t be weird about money.
  44. Pretend that the arbiter of DIY ethics is judging you at all times.
  45. Pay people honestly and generously... and promptly.
  46. No one is getting rich doing this.  Remember that.  Jeff Bezos is rich.
  47. Look out for your friends.
  48. Don’t be afraid to play for free... but let that be on your terms and yours alone.
  49. Have friends and a life outside of music.
  50. Make sure you retain ways to remember how our mountains are mole hills.
  51. Define success in your life before you chase it.  You might be surprised.
  52. Be sincere.  If you don’t believe it, everyone knows it.
  53. Try something new!  Today!  Right now!
  54. Maybe you don’t need to charge more.
  55. Beware of the term “VIP”.
  56. Don’t let the only time someone hears from you be when you need something.
  57. Money has a tendency to come and go.  Life doesn’t.  Do the thing.
  58. If everyone says you must do something... be weary of it.  Especially things like SXSW.
  59. Lock the doors.
  60. Pay your taxes.
  61. Keep things and frame them.  Commemorate your accomplishments.  Remember them.
  62. Pay attention to your money but don’t be cheap.  Tipping is karma and karma is real.
  63. Don’t be afraid to get a normal job.  It’s okay to work a job while pursuing music.
  64. Kill your ego.  It’s about art.  It’s not about you.
  65. It’s been said many times... but you can starve from exposure.  Real jobs pay money.
  66. Know your worth-- both emotionally and financially.  Emotional worth is complicated.  Financial worth isn’t.
  67. Try to be positive.  It’s contagious and often self-fulfilling.
  68. Find your people.  They may be down the street or on the other side of the world... but they exist.  That’s your scene.
  69. Build your alliances.  Help others and they will help you.  Let’s lift each other up.
  70. Danny Barnes wrote this, and I’ve thought about it many times since:  “let's face it, sometimes having no one at the show is a great indicator that you are onto something. i'm serious.“
  71. Advice is just advice.  It’s not the law
  72.  If the only time you reach out to someone is when you need something, learn their Venmo handle.  Otherwise, try being a friend.